Centre deradaptation end pendance de Montral (CRDM)-Institut universitaire


The Centre for Addiction Rehabilitation of Montreal - University Institute mission is to advance the health, well-being, superior of activity and amusing admittance of humans with booze problems, drugs, bank and internet addiction and their families through rehabilitation. The acreage is also holder of a university's mission. In this capacity, he oversees the advance of ability in the acreage of addictions, both in agreement of analysis and teaching, and development of arch practices. They oversee the appraisal of interventions in this area. Services and programs are charge less and are accessible to all humans with an addiction or corruption of alcohol, drugs or active on the island of Montreal game, behindhand of their age or their amusing conditions. The Centre has over 400 advisers advance over about a dozen account points. More than 7,000 humans a year account of facilities.